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Yes 4 EVS



In the framework of the project “Yes 4 EVS” six volunteers were hosted from Spain, Georgia, Armenia, Romania and Czech Republic.

It was divided into 3 periods, each of which lasted for 2 months and involved 2 volunteers.

The project was implemented on the teritorry of Blagoevgrad region, from 15th of October 2013 till 15th of April 2014.


The main activities of the project were related to promoting EVS, volunteering and organization’s activities.

Furthermore, the volunteers organized the local youngster`s free time through implementing various clubs of interests, “multicultural school” and cultural events. In such way, the program promoted tolerance and intercultual dialogue among young people.

The project provided local youth with alternative to spend their free time together with developing their skills and civil initiative through non-formal edcation.

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