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Association ,,Alternativi International” is looking for 3 motivated Bulgarian participant to take part in training course in Tirana,Albania!


TC ,, Gender inclusion in rural areas"


Dates: 10-17 October 2015


Project description:


The project Women Empowerment through Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge (WE ASK) will run for 7 days in Tirana, Albania, hosted by WTI. The main themes of the training course are interlinked with the need of the participants coming from different backgrounds, whom need a space to learn, acquire and share among peers, as well as access a hands-on experience where they can empower themselves through the “ASK triangle”. The bases of the project is strongly build in as an interlink between, A-Attitudes, S-Skills and K-Knowledge, for a full package on empowerment and awareness raising towards the human rights issues and women role in now days societies.
The possibilities for involvement are there, the resources as well, the possibilities do exist but still the gender gap is existent and in many cases there is still a big need to put women in a higher perspective, to engage them more in leadership and to add value to their participation in the development of communities especially when considering the rural areas. The main aim of the courses is to switch off the stereotypes about gender discrimination, and turn on opportunities, for improved skills, knowledge and capacities. The project shall address how gender influences our perceptions of power and leadership within families and communities, as well as the gender based violence as a destructive phenomenon of the society.




- Equip participants with skills and knowledge for gender equality and empowerment
- Increase the awareness about the complexity of gender equality in multicultural societies;
- Learn from the best practices of other countries and young leaders from isolated areas in promoting active citizenship among young women;
- Foster the participation of youth from rural areas in social and community life in a fair bases through exploring concepts of gender mainstreaming and leadership values
- Promote the Erasmus + Programme as a resource for promoting leadership in gender equality within youth work and build up a network of contacts to promote future projects; - Create an effective practice that can be used by all the partner promoters and the wider networks.




The training will be implemented using the non-formal education methodology, learning by doing approach and the experiential learning cycle. The program will be executed through a variety of workshops and sessions to be further enriched by the experienced team of trainers that will work on the 7 days program.



Participant profile:


Youth workers,  youth leaders and etc


Venue of the project:  Tirana, Albania 


Maximum travel costs : 


275 euro per participant from Bulgaria (reimbursement will be done upon presenting all original payment for tickets, boarding passes, bus/train tickets and etc)




WE ASK will be implemented in Tirana, Albania and you will be accomodated in “MyHostel” that can be found online at

MyHostel is located in Don Bosko neighborhood very close to the center of Tirana. The place has all the necessary facilities for developing a qualitative project and making your stay comfortable. We will be working inside and also in the outdoor of the hostel for a bit of fresh air during the working days of the TC.


Three meals per day and 2 coffee breaks will be served in the kitchen of the hostel, respecting your dietary needs and making sure you receive freshly cooked food.
You will be staying 2-3 people per room. Please bring your own towels and hygienic set (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc) with you!


Participation fee- 15 euro /per participant/


If you are interested to participate in the project, please send  email of interest to: and we will provide you with application form 


Please use as a subject of your email / TC- Albania/


DEADLINE: 22 of September 2015

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